Business + Real Estate Concierge Services
HIVE Connex provides Business and Real Estate Concierge Services tailored to our clients’ needs. Most services can be offered in a variety of formats. We customize our services to meet your specific needs. For more information in reference to our concierge program and other services we provide, pricing options, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us via email at HIVEConnex@gmail.com or contact us.
Informational Flyers and Postcards:
Do you need writing, content or graphic design expertise assistance in creating informative flyers or postcards to share information about yourself, your business or a new home listing? We can create dynamic material that you can share with your current or targeted customer base.
Home Descriptions for Your Real Estate Listings:
Do you struggle to develop informative and interesting home or building descriptions for your new listings? We can assist you in creating clear, concise and informative listing descriptions for all of your listings.
Photo Editing:
Do you want to have improved pictures for your listings without the fees of a professional photographer? We can assist to fine tune and edit your pictures to achieve maximum results.
Website Content Building:
We can work with you and your website designer to create interesting, dynamic and informative information for your website. Your website along with your business cards are your “calling card” to your customers. Most people will look at your website before even talking to you. You want to make sure it represents your business or organization in the best way possible.
Unique Business Biography:
We can assist you in creating a unique and engaging business biography about yourself that can be used on your social media accounts, website, and for any conferences or events that you attend.
Social Media Set-up:
We can coordinate and facilitate your enrollment on a variety of social media platforms, so that you can optimize your brand presence and promotion of your goods and services to your targeted audiences.
Resume & LinkedIn Editing:
We offer proofreading and editing of current resume and LinkedIn accounts to ensure your business experience, skills and accomplishments are accurately highlighted and make you more marketable to recruiters.
Resume Cover Letters:
We can create and/or update your cover letter to best represent your business skills, experiences, accomplishments, and professional background.
External Audits:
Are you looking for an independent, unbiased, and professional external auditor to evaluate your systems, operations, intradepartmental and interdepartmental communications, business continuity plans, policies and procedures? We can support these efforts by reporting audit findings and recommending improvements for your business or organization.